

Covid gifted you a lot of time at home? Don't waste it! Start planning your journeys now... while waiting for better times.

🏁  Getting Started

If you don’t need to run it locally, you can see it LIVE 🔗.

Otherwise, to run this project locally open your terminal, clone this repository on your computer and go into the new folder just created:

git clone
cd travel-list-app

Then install the required dependencies with your preferred package manager:

npm install

# OR

yarn install

Finally, just run the app like so:

npm run start

After a short period of time, the web-app will get launched on http://localhost:3000 inside your browser (if the port’s available), enjoy!

🚀  Description

This minimalistic web-app lets you focus on and keep track of the only important thing: travelling!

It allows you to annotate down the countries you would like to visit and the ones you’ve already visited: just click on the search field at the top and start typing. A nice autocomplete feature will guide you through selecting the right country with the right spelling… Afterall, you don’t want to take a flight ticket to the wrong place, do you?! We got you covered: use your mouse or keyboard to select the desired country.

Now, on your list, you have a bunch of countries with checkboxes on the side, well done… Tick the ones you have already been to and ignore the rest: those will be the ones you’re aiming for. Visit those countries and only then check them off, don’t cheat.

Other features:

Good luck with your journey!

📡  Technicalities

This app is made with React and Styled Components.

Some of the implementations and features are: